Monday, June 23, 2008

Oil burn and the Nuclear balm

Hate it or love it, but the Nuclear balm seems to be the only relief for the Oil burns....
Raising CRR's and changing the monetary policies by RBI isn't going to work long. Solution has to be some form of energy only. But one more thing Mr. Reddy has made clear is that this oil shock, and consequently the inflation, have been externally imposed on us. We know very well who's done it. But we choose to keep mum. So as to not to offend a friend. Or should we say 'not a really nice friend'. For the sake of same friend we've been declining energy offers from around the world.
Another important thing might be that these dire situations might be created by our friend , the U.S. , to bring us to a situation where we have no other option but to sign the N-deal. But whatever the under currents might be, it seems we should sign the deal now, and enter into some form of strategic relationship with U.S., as the Left guys are fearing. Is it just another co-incidence that the Australians have come out with a statement that no Nuclear fuel could be sold to India unless it signs the Nuclear deal and the NPT. All the external factors are telling us to sign the treaty. All the internal factors are doing the opposite. After the opposition from Left, other allies have also suggested UPA to step back on N-Deal. And the SP, on which UPA banked it hopes in case of a Left retreat, has also declared that it life long opposition to the nuclear deal can not just disappear on the blink of the eye. Some more problems for Manmohan and Sonia. Good man P.C. looks real worried. He says he would be happy only if the oil prices come down below 100 $ a barrel.
And did you know U.P.S.C in this years Civil Services Prelims exam asked that how many Liters make a barrel. The answer of course was 159 Liters. But had it been 250 Liters, P.C. would have been all smiles :-)


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