Monday, June 16, 2008

The Federal Wars

Hadouken!The Federal wars have begun!
Center has said that now it's up to the states to lower the simmering oil prices by cutting down the sales tax etc. States on the other hand have put the onus back on center by demanding help and resources. And lo! here starts the vicious circle of political blame game. But this is a game with a difference. Here both the participants win! Loser is the audience to the game, that is, the common public, you and me. Amazing isn't it!
Let's hope for they day when the audience would participate instead of being mere spectators.
And for icing on the cake, the deadline for IPI pipeline talks is over. Did some one say that we are short of LPG and its prices are expanding like Hubble's universe. Who is interested in the pipeline when we have some more entertaining things going on around us. Even the media seems to have overlooked the important strategic news(energy is the most strategic thing as of now) over some entertaining and other not so entertaining news.

Lets see what happens tommorow....

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